


Drop-off and Pick-up Process

Fri, Sep 17, 2021

Drop-off Process 1. Use circle drive only when your student(s) is/are ready to leave car once you stop. 2. Drivers must stay in a single lane next to the curb. (The 2nd driving lane is designated to HS students ONLY) 3. Remain in this lane and pull up as far as possible to the end of the circle/curb. Please do not stop somewhere in the middle to drop off because that will further create a long line of cars. 4. Parent(s) not to come out of the car. 5. Student(s) leave(s) from the right side of the car and head to the side walk. 6. Keep student(s) until you arrive to the circle drive and do not drop off student(s) before that. 7. If your student(s) need help, please park your car in the designated areas as highlighted in the Map and Parking Area Instruction below.

Pick-up Process 1. Do not use the circle drive to pick-up your student(s). 2. Park your car in the designated area (see map below and instruction above). 3. Walk to the school doors to pick-up your student(s).

Map and Parking Area Instructions Parking Lot labeled No Parking is not for parking by anyone during drop-off and/or pick-up. 1. Parking Lot labeled DU High School is reserved for high school students who drive to school only. 2. Parking Lot labeled DU Staff is reserved for DU Staff only. 3. Parking Lot labeled Pre-K to KG is reserved for Preschool to KG parents and parents who may have siblings of DU students who are below 3 years of age. This designation allows the parents and student(s) to use the safe sidewalk upon entering the school. This also allows for a shorter walking distance for families with younger children. 4. Parking Lot labeled General is open for all to use during drop and/or pick up.

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