


Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

Sat, Aug 14, 2021

The drop-off time is from 7:30-8:00AM. Doors will not be opened before 7:30AM. Parents may drop off students at the circle drive or walk them to the front door. However, please refrain from parking at the circle drive at any time.

Should you use the circle drive/curb during morning drop-off: 1. Drivers must stay in a single lane next to the curb. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF STUDENTS ALONG THE PARKING SPOTS IF THE LINE IS LONG. PLEASE WAIT FOR YOUR TURN AND DRIVE TO THE CIRCLE DRIVE/CURB. I 2. Remain in this lane and pull up as far as possible to the end of the circle/curb. Please do not stop somewhere in the middle to drop off because that will further create a long line of cars. I 3. Children must use right side car doors only as they exit the car. I 4. Do not cut around other cars to get closer. I 5. Do not reverse. Wait for the car in front to move. I 6. Never get out of the vehicle in the drop-off zone not even for a minute. If a student is unable to get out without assistance, park the vehicle in a parking space and walk the student inside.

Pick-up time is 3:20PM. Students will continue to be dismissed to parents at the front door. Parents need to park their cars, come to the front door, and wait outside by the playground area. HS students will be dismissed from the HS back door. We hope that this process will be smooth by next week with practice.

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