


Keep Sick Children Home

Thu, Aug 18, 2022

I pray to Allah, The Exalted, that you and your families are safe and in good health. To help, insha’Allah, keep DU Community safe and healthy, please take the following preventive measures:

Keep children home as soon as they show any symptoms (click HERE for CDC guidance) which includes congestion, runny nose, and cough. I Communicate to DU Administration as soon as any of the symptoms appear. I Test children as soon as possible for COVID-19 and communicate results with DU Administration. I Student may return to school once they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication and symptoms have improved.

It is very important that we work together as a team and take symptoms like congestion, runny nose, and coughing as warning signs even if it is not related to COVID-19. It is our humble request that you keep children home until symptoms resolved, even if your child(ren) tested negative to COVID-19, to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all of our Students, Staff, and all DU Community.Jazakum Allah khairan and thank you for your help and support.

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